This is the setup I use and recommend to everyone.
Macbook Pro 13 Inch
Logitech M505
The Official Skype Freetalk Everyman Headset
iPhone 4
You can’t go wrong.
This is the setup I use and recommend to everyone.
Macbook Pro 13 Inch
Logitech M505
The Official Skype Freetalk Everyman Headset
iPhone 4
You can’t go wrong.
First things first, run these commands on a lion machine:
chflags nohidden ~/Library/
chflags nohidden /Library/
write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
–SHOW — Hard Drive not visible Mac OSx0–
If you open the Terminal (located in Applications/Utilities) and run ls /Volumes
One thing everyone should be able to have, is a link to Xcode, Interface Builder and the mac simulator.
This is where they all are:
First things first, get this xcode class from Stanford called iPhone Application Programming (Spring 2009) in iTunes U.
There are some other amazing iPhone/iPad courses from Stanford, you can find them here:
Check out iPhone Application Development (Winter 2010).
Some great fast commands for Xcode development are:
Great step by step on the process of putting your app in the app store.
Switch between code:
[option key] 1
[option key] 2
Indenting code:
[option key] ]
[option key] [
Switching code:
[option key] [command key] [up key]
Some great plugins are:
iPhone Enterprise Information
Any good videos I find on Objective C Programming for the iPhone and iPad I’ll post up here.
This guy has some great vids:
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3
Tutorial 4
Tutorial 5
A great example split view controller:
MGSplitViewController for iPad
If you want to zip up your executable for an app you will:
[your name]/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.2/Applications/[folders to delete]
Clear out everything in this folder.
Build and Run your project.
In simulator close all open apps, even the ones running in the background.
Go back into [your name]/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.2/Applications/[zip up the folder created]
Zip up your project and that is it!
Put into any other computer as an executable.
Building a splash screen.
iPad splash screens.
Info on IBAction and IBOutlet
IBAction for methods
IBOutlet for objects or instance variables