Category Archives: video

Podcasting & vPodcasting

For Video:
When recording your screen I highly recommend going with Jing or Camtasia Studio.

For Audio:
When creating podcasts, you need the right tools to record interviews, use VoIP, it is great because you can record your conversations and interviews with others using software and edit it the way you want. Two great VoIP services are Skype and MagicJack. Just as a side note you can import your google contacts into Skype.

If you go with Skype, the program is installed on Windows, MAC and Linux. Once installed you can use something called Call Recorder to your Mac to record Skype sessions. It costs $25 or so. Another option is pamela, which is great for recording Skype conversations as well.

A program called Levelator is used to make both ends of the conversation be equal in volume.

To produce your podcast a ton of people use Audacity, it is free. Another option for Mac users is Garage Band.

Here is a list of great recording apps .

hulu + netflix + slingbox + boxee + pandora + thesixtyone = great online experience!

hulu + netflix + slingbox + boxee + pandora = great online experience!

The age of internet TV, movies and music is here!

  1. SetJam, a great startup, check them out when you have a chance!.
  2. hulu, a great online source of movies, and tv shows, nothing to install! You just need a browser.
  3. netflix, they stream a ton of movies via the internet to your browser.
  4. slingbox, this is a hardware device you can hookup to any cable or satellite box and watch away, I use it, it works great.
  5. boxee, software that merges tons of great online media into one place.
  6. pandora, the music you want when you want it.

There are tons of other sites, just a few that I know of are listed below.

Movies and TV:

Music and Radio